
暗暗的兔 sombre lapin

明明是大白天,但拍出来就是灰灰暗暗的, 不管了( 也管不了 ;p hihi光圈和快门的配合要多练就是了。
need to practice more with camera, see, my pic look so dark...... but i think still can express the feeling that i really like to draw lah....... hihi ;p  although i am a bit lazy to pick up my brush to start drawing.

when you are looking on my pic, this music is pretty fit to listen with, so play it together and have some fun ^ ^


巴黎的天空 Sous Le Ciel De Paris

paris sky is such beautiful...... i couldn't resist, even is only a cloud!

心中有千言万语,可是来到嘴边时却只得这么一句。如果可以的话,我想要有多点文采 ^ ^
there are thousand words in my heart want to share, but when write it out, only this.
if is possible, i wish my words are written with much literary skill ^ ^


挂念你个头 miss my lapin head

你好吗?好挂住你白雪雪个头啊 ……
点首歌俾你听啦 ^ ^

how are you? i miss you, white white lapin head ……
let us listen to a song together ^ ^

if you are using ipad, maybe you can't see the video above. i also don't know why ????
so, you may click here, i wish you love, if you wanna listen too : )


古瓷娃娃 old porcelain doll

you can find these old porcelain dolls in taipei, an unique store called lovelovely. but they are not for sell, ah ~!


le temps bas

today, the song i so want to listen to.

我爱碗碗碟碟 i love plates

这些碎花、复古的碗碗碟碟,我看了就心花怒放 ^ ^
all these small floral print, vintage plates gladdened my heart ^ ^