
raining day

细雨纷飞 不禁要按下快门
连同我好期待的电影    一起 po 上吧


like no other word

我是   很喜欢   很喜欢水晶灯的 . . . . . .
i am so in love with the chandelier, it goes without saying , doesn't it . . .


超市游记1.1南瓜篇 a play in the supermarket chapter1.1 pumpkin

不一定要说喜欢吃,但应该会默默欣赏它们的样子、颜色、花纹 . . . 吧 ^ ^
当然,例外的也会有。ok 的。
  ( 立场很飘忽  )   :P

i think, those who still keep the traces of childishness will love pumpkin, a lots . . . normally.
but there are always exceptions around us too, ahh~  it's ok.
wish your and mine childlike hearts last forever ^^